Advent &
Christmas Eve
His Name Shall Be Called
Church Chix
Tuesday, December 3rd at 1:30pm
Band of Brothers
Saturday, December 7th at 8:00am
Festival Chorale Oregon
Sunday, December 8th at 3:00pm
Freewill offering to benefit the Sheridan School District music programs.
Happy Christmas Party
Friday, December 13th, 10am to Noon
Everyone is welcome! No need to bring anything.
Choir Practice
Saturday, December 14th at 10:00am
Women's Bible Study
Tuesday, December 17th at 2:00pm
TLC Quilters
Thursday, December 19th at 10:00am
Worship Services
December 1st.....First Sunday in Advent
December 8th.....Second Sunday in Advent
December 15th.....Third Sunday in Advent
December 22nd.....Fourth Sunday in Advent
December 24th.....Christmas Eve Worship Service at 7:00pm
Food, Fun & Fellowship
December 8th.....please join us following worship for Mr. Anderson's famous WAFFLES! No need to bring anything, just show up ready to eat!
December 22nd​.....please bring a dish to share for our Christmas Potluck! Following worship, we will gather in the fellowship hall to eat our favorite holiday dishes. The Newsletter Team along with our Parish Administrator will host and have a fun activity planned. You won't want to miss it!
Help Holly and Teddy decorate the church for Christmas!
Saturday, December 7th at 10:00am
Saturday, December 14th at 11:00am
Please consider bringing a poinsettia Friday, December 20th. It will be used to decorate the sanctuary. You are encouraged to take your poinsettia home following Christmas Eve Worship Service.